You are graciously (or insultingly - depending on our mood) welcomed to the website of the infamous Duck Soup Softball
Fiasco. This is the official home of the tournament too wacky to die; the event that defines the term "weakest link."
The 2008 Fiasco was another tremendous success, thanks to the hard work of the volunteers and the craziness of the players.
The fun that was had by all is evident when chatting with the players. Why not send your stories to us and we'll post
them on the site?! We're always looking for something new to post on the website! We'd welcome hearing from any of the players
or volunteers. Send your letters to the webmaster ( if they are anywhere near entertaining, we'll post them to entice more people to join us for the incredible
27th - oh my goodness - this much wackiness has been going on for 27 years????!!!!!
Don't delay! Register now for the 2009 Tourney!!
The Duck Soup Spirit
Best Use of Spam! |
Elvis??? Duffy's Team!! |
We can tell the story best through pictures....Enjoy!
So Who Says A Bee Sting Is Bad? |
I Got A Trophy for It, Didn't I? |
A Saurkraut Fork Holder??? |
A Frank Tsuchiya Invention! |
Cutest Dog of the Tourney! |
Such a clever group of ballplayers!
Need More Help?
What?? More questions? Call or email. Contact info is below.
Also, check out the navigation bar on the left side of this page and click on the other topics of interest. Take
special note of the registration form, check our news flashes and read the letters we've received! Don't forget we need volunteers too!
Great Duck Tips:
- Register early for best starting times
- Include an email address for quicker response
Click HERE - Info on Big Duck, the playwright! |
If you're coming to AZ - check this out! |
In Case You Haven't Heard....
Alexx Stuart (pen name for Stu Alexander) has written 11 hit comedy plays that are produced throughout
the year in the Phoenix, Arizona area. If you are traveling in that vicinity, be sure to give the Big Duck a holler. Perhaps
you can catch a show while you're in town, or at least give a quack! Click on the photo above and get more details on his
and Diedre's theater company, Darknight Productions.