The Duck Soup Softball Fiasco's version of the Marx Brothers accepted the Mayor's Proclamation announcing August 24th,
2002, as "Duck Soup Day" in St. Louis Park. Groucho, Chico and Harpo are the Tournament's aficionados who attended the
July 15th City Council meeting at which the Mayor honored the tournament's 20th anniversary. Over the
history of this tournament, the proceeds have granted approximately $60,000 in college scholarship monies to local ball players.
The 2002 year's scholarships of $1,000 each were awarded to the following St. Louis Park graduates:
- Claire Luoto
- Curtis Fahndrich
- Dan Skalman
- Kyle Eidsness
- Brittany Reed
Additionally, $500 was donated to the St. Louis Park Parks and Recreation Department to support youth activities.
Chico presented the check to the Mayor at the City Council Meeting.
The 2003 Duck Soup Softball Fiasco will be held at the Aquila Fields on the weekend of August 23rd and 24th.
In celebration of the 21st Anniversary of this wacky tournament, there will be the standard fare of crazy, mixed-up rules
such as: hot-dog eating contests, teams dressed in costumes, and trophies awarded for nearly everything including the "Gentlemen,
Start your Engines" award for the first person arriving at the fields and the "10:15 Game Saturday, 1st Hit on Aquila 4" trophy
where the game is stopped to award the trophy to the lucky hitter who then carries the giant trophy with her on her way around
the bases.
There were great photo opportunities at the St. Louis Park City Council meeting. More great photo ops will
of course be at the 2003 Duck Soup Softball Fiasco. Additional information about the tournament can be found thoughout this
website or by contacting Public Relations Director, Mary Kennedy at 952-925-5670.