Up to the minute (yeah, right) happenings in Fiasco land!
Duck News Desk |
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COOL IDEA! "The Other Team" gave hundreds of toys they collected at the 2002 and 2003 tournament.
Read more about it on the Costume Awards page. They're doin' it again this year!! You can help them make it bigger and better than ever
- bring your new toys to the Fiasco and help the kids!!
WE FOUND IT - DID YOU LOSE IT? Each year there seems to be a few odds and ends left
behind. Please check at the concession stand before you leave the tournament for any lost articles.
St. Louis Park softball and baseball-loving/playing high school graduates will be the recipients
of $5500 in scholarship grants. Stay tuned for the names of the awardees!
Let it be known! The FUDDs returned!! After a five year disappearance from Fiasco
activities, the ever-beloved Fudd's returned in 2002 to defend their hot-dog-eating championships of the past, i.e., nine
consecutive years from 1984-1992. Oh yeah - and they played softball too. Will we see them again in 2004??
Fudds-Nine Time Winners of Hot Dog Eating Contest! |
Wonder If They Still Have Those Sveldt Physiques? |
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Paddling Yours,
Duck Soup WebbedMaster