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WHEREAS, Adult Softball Leagues have long been a part of St. Louis Parks culture and the Duck Soup Team, a creation of St. Louis Park High School Alumni, has been a contributor to that tradition since its first season in 1976; and

WHEREAS, the members of Duck Soup became philanthropers in 1983, when they ran their first tournament for charity as a replacement for another tournament group that had cancelled; and

WHEREAS, in the early years proceeds from the tournament benefited the Special Olympics, Williams Scholarship Fund, the U.S. Olympic Teams and other charitable causes; and

WHEREAS, in 1987 the Duck Soup Tournament Committee made the decision to direct all proceeds of the tournament to St. Louis Park Student Athletes; and

WHEREAS, during its twenty-one year history the Duck Soup Organization has awarded over $58,000 in scholarships and grants and have greatly influenced the lives of many of our communitys youth.

NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Louis Park hereby declare August 24th to be "Duck Soup Day" and ask all to join together in thanking the members of Duck Soup for sharing with us their winning combination of good humor, fine values and community caring that we call the "Duck Soup Tournament".

WHEREFORE, I set my hand and cause the Great Seal of the City of St. Louis Park to be affixed this 15th day of July 2002.


Jeff Jacobs, Mayor